NEW, 2023

Acrylic on canvas

120cm x 120cm

The original painting has sold

About Slow Living

This piece doesn’t link to a specific organization like the other paintings in this collection, but rather to a way of life. The slow food concept has lead to a lifestyle – where people choose local, small scale, sustainable options over international, corporate, unsustainable unviable options. Its about slowing down, supporting your neighbours and enjoying life in a simpler way.

The world is hurtling towards a future that may not be able to sustain human life. But if we can all stop for a minute and make small changes, in what we eat, what we buy, how we treat each other and the natural world there is hope. Slow Living captures a moment in time - here it happens to be in Kampot but it can be anywhere in the world - which I believe is the way forward. Where you ride a bicycle, not an oversized 4x4. Where your food is wrapped in a banana leaf, not polystyrene. Your snack is a natural, healthy lotus pod, not chemically infused fast food imported from somewhere far away. Where people have time to stop and talk to each other, not be constantly rushing from one place to the next or glued to their phone.

We are brought up to believe that happiness and success is based essentially but not entirely upon making money. To fill a big house with tat. To distract ourselves with shiny, new inanimate objects. We aren’t taught happiness and success is really about finding your purpose, connecting with a community, creating beauty and respecting the natural world.

I hope this piece resonates with those who feel the same way and see hope for a future where we can be happy. I’m figuring it out slowly.
